Sunday, July 25, 2010

Family Pictures: The Humphries Clan

My sister and her 3 kids came to visit us in OKC last weekend.  It was so good to see everyone because they are growing up way too fast....we played checkers and UNO, went to the zoo, played on a slip-n-slide in the backyard, Cade ate only pizza the entire trip (hehe), and the kids pretty much were bored the whole time because "Aunt Miranda has NO TOYS! at her house."  (I guess that will be changing shortly, huh?)  Usually I can entertain with my goofiness, but being pregnant drains my energy and stamina so that was out of the question too.  Anyway, besides a minor Jace meltdown on picture day, I think we got some cute shots.  I am going to be a nice aunt though and not post all of the frowny faces...only the good ones! :)  We'll use the others in their graduation

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