Thursday, June 4, 2009

Leap of Faith

As you all know I recently have taken a few steps toward my dream of being a photographer. It was really out of my comfort zone to just get out there and get started, but I finally took the leap and it is starting to pay off. I signed up for a class, which led to another class. I started a blog and offered free sessions to all of my friends and family, which turned into about 10 unofficial bookings. And today I had the greatest day....a professional photographer here in OKC/Edmond area ( has agreed to let me sort of intern with him. We are currently working out the details and he is going to show me the ropes and let me tag along for different photo shoots and weddings! For starters I will be holding the flash and fetching him coffee...haha but then he said that I can jump behind the camera whenever I'm ready. I am just so excited and can't wait....I can't believe it took me this long to get off the bench and get in the game. Anyway, hopefully soon I will be blogging about all of the great things I learned and can show you how my photography has grown! So a little tid bit of advice for all of you....JUST GO FOR IT!!

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