Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sunday Bicycle Ride

So Justin and I have been really really busy lately, but we've managed to find time for our relaxing weekly bicycle ride around Lake Hefner. Last Sunday, I took my camera and made Justin stop early so that I could snap some pictures of the gorgeous sunset. Anyway, I just had to share! So speaking of our bicycle ride, Justin and I have started our own Biggest Loser Contest. We each have goal weights and weigh in every Monday. It has been 2 weeks and we have both lost some weight...of course I am winning, but I have to give credit to my CHK Boot Camp I just finished today! :) Our final weigh-in is July 24th. We have a wedding that we are going to on the 25th to debut our new and improved bodies. Hopefully in about 7 weeks I will blog a before and after picture for both of us! Stay tuned.....

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